Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Poetry In My Day, Today


The poetry in my day awaits me
The bus ride is rough and tumble
and full of anticipation, My My

The poetry in my day awaits me
The walk through the park setting is soothing
and full of warmth from the Sun, My God

The poetry in my day awaits me
The Tulip tree that greets me is tall and strong
and full of wisdom, My Tree

The poetry in my day awaits me
The place of mine for the day is still here
and full of possibilities, My Work

The poetry in my day awaits me
The chance is mine to make it what I will
and fill my day My Way


smartz said...

I love the repetition, the fresh use of language. Thank you!

Cindy Cornell said...

A great followup to your other poem. Thank you.