Sunday, June 21, 2009

Myrtle's Hands

Large brown age spots, knuckles swollen up with arthritis, and calloused fingertips give it all away. There's no hiding the life she's had.

They were young, small, soft, and supple when once she clutched her own mother's breast. In their maidenhood, they caressed a sweetheart and then a husband.

Later they hardened as she sewed, picked fruit, canned, put up preserves, shelled peas, shucked corn, churned butter, and pounded dough into bread for her family. They helped to birth others' babies, washed her own babies, nursed them, and buried some.

When she broke down and they wouldn't work anymore, she covered her face with them and was sent away to rest.


1 comment:

smartz said...

I love this piece. It is so vivid. It makes me want to know this woman.